Poq Platform Release: The latest release from poq, Lyra delivers new functionality focussed on increasing conversion in native shopping apps.

Hot off the heels of the last release, Vega in which poq added a variety of new content types and omni features, Lyra has wrapped up a whole host of conversion goodies for poq platform users.
Furthermore, Lyra sees the poq ecosystem growing with another three partners. Customers can now take advantage of Bazaarvoice Reviews and UGC, Algolia Search and Merchandising plus Emarsys Segmented Push and Inbox which are all integrated to the poq platform.
Lyra Platform Releases:
Add to Cart on PLP
Now app users can add directly to the cart from the product listing on the PLP, empowering them to make quick purchasing decisions when browsing.
Image Swipe on PLP
By adding the ability to swipe and view multiple product images on the PLP users can understand more about the product without committing to view a PDP. This makes discovery easier, driving more interaction with products.
Colour Switching on PLP
Users can quickly look at alternative colours of the product by switching between different colour options on the PLP. This will enable better product discovery, helping the user find what they’re looking for.
Android Push Opt-in
With Android 13 introducing opt-in, onboarding screens to promote reasons for opting into push notifications are now available for Android apps. By introducing the flow early in the journey, brands can communicate the benefits to increase opt-in rates for new users.
Write and Sort Product Reviews
Now app users can write a review for a product directly in the app rather than review providers pushing users to the web to leave product reviews. More visits to the app will drive more engagement in the app, turning every visit into a possible conversion. Additionally, users can now have the option to sort products by review rating and other sort options.
User-Generated Content
Brands now have the ability to showcase user-generated content on the app Home Screen and PDP through content carousels, showcasing products worn/used by real customers. User-generated content creates social proof, increases product conversion and drives engagement, helping to build a community feel for brands.
New Ecosystem Integrations
In addition to the engagement features now available in Lyra, poq has also welcomed three new Ecosystem Partners to the platform. Out-of-the-box integrations are now available for Bazaarvoice to leverage user-generated content and product reviews, while Emarsys customers can publish segmented push notifications and introduce inbox for app users. Finally, search and merchandising driven by Algolia is now available in poq apps.
If you would like to take advantage of the Lyra release or learn more about it, please speak to your Customer Success representative or project team.
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